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第四十三回となる今回は、「第五章 一問一答。海運業への疑問に答えます」というテーマで「~基礎編から応用的な物流依頼まで」をお話しいたします。











Q 海上運賃は、鉄道会社の運賃のように距離によって金額が決まっているのですか?

A 距離が無関係というわけではありませんが、明確な基準にはなっていません。海上運賃は、ほとんどの場合、スペースの需給バランス、あるいはキャリアと荷主の力関係によって決まります。株式市場と同じような構造で、船腹スペースの需給バランスに依拠するため、同じ距離であっても運賃は大きく変動します。



Q 船会社には、邦船と外資系船社があるそうですが、どんなところが違うのでしょうか?

A 邦船すなわち日本の船会社は、日本寄港を優先しており、国内マーケットシェアの半分ぐらいを占めています。海外の各国に日本人スタッフが駐在しており、トラブル時の対応が日本国内同様に手厚いことも特徴です。




Q 二〇一六年に大手海運会社の韓進海運が破綻するという出来事がありましたが、荷主は船会社破綻の影響を受けないために、どういった方策を取ればよいでしょうか?

A 考えられる一つの方法として、Zスコア(Z-Score)をチェックしておくことが挙げられます。




Q 海運業界において、フォワーダーはどんな役割を果たしているのでしょうか?

A フォワーダーは、荷主企業の物流部としての機能を果たします。海上輸送のプロフェッショナルとして、すべてのキャリアを常に競争させており、北米航路においてもSCを結ぶ必要もなく、その時々の最適輸送を提案できます。またフォワーダーは荷主の代わりに、全船会社とハードな交渉を毎日のように行なっています。他の荷主から依頼された物量と抱き合わせ、大量のボリュームで船会社と交渉するため安い運賃を実現しています。



Q フォワーダーを利用しようと思いますが、どうやって探したらよいでしょうか?

A ジャパン プレス社が発行する『SHIPPING GAZETTE(シッピングガゼット)』の電話帳ページや広告、JIFFA(一般社団法人国際フレイトフォワーダーズ協会)ウェブサイトの会員リストのページなどで探すことができます。また今お付き合いされている乙仲などに直接相談してみるのもよいでしょう。


Q フォワーダーは、何を基準にして選べばよいでしょうか?

A フォワーダーの良し悪しを判断する基準としては、たとえば次の九つが挙げられます。












Q フォワーダーに海上輸送を委託するとき、航空輸送も請け負っている大手フォワーダーを選ぶほうが安心でしょうか?

A 緊急時に、すぐにエアーに切り替えられる柔軟性を持っているという点では大手の方がメリットがあるといえるでしょう。ただ、事故などが起こった場合は、企業の規模にかかわらず、どの会社もほぼ同じ裏面約款の範囲でしか補償は受けられません(P九三参照)。


Q フォワーダーには物流のすべてを一社に任せた方が、スケールメリットが出るのでしょうか?

A フォワーダーは、会社によって得意航路が異なります。それを見極めた上で、仕向け地や貨物の特性に応じて業者を使い分けるのがよいでしょう。すべてが得意な業者は存在しないでしょう。


Q フォワーダーのような仲介会社が入ると、マージンを取られて高くなるイメージがありますが、実際はどうなんでしょう?

A フォワーダーを通すことで、むしろ安い運賃で利用できることがあります。家電でも、メーカーから直接購入するより大手家電量販店で購入した方が安く手に入れることができます。



Q LCLは、どんなフォワーダーでも受けてくれるのでしょうか?

A LCLは、混載サービスをメインとしている業者、つまり自前で混載のコンテナを仕立てているフォワーダーに頼むべきでしょう。その方が融通が利きやすいと同時に、安い運賃で利用することができます。


Q 国際複合一貫輸送で貨物を送る場合、国内輸送と海上輸送の業者を別に使う場合と一社に全輸送モードを任せる場合ではどちらが安いですか?

A これはそれぞれに一長一短があります。選定する業者にとってその輸送モードが得意分野なのか、不得意分野なのかによって変わるため、一概にはいえません。一般的には、輸送モードごとに本業としている業者へ分けて発注する方がコストは安くなります。そこまで選別する手間をかける余裕がない場合は、時間の節約や責任範囲を一本化するためにも、一社に一貫輸送を任せた方がいいでしょう。



Q 現在、ある乙仲に一貫作業で貨物の輸送をお願いしています。窓口が一本化できて非常に便利に利用させてもらっていますが、先日、ある業者から海上運賃だけの安い見積りをもらいました。


A 安い見積りを出した業者から、一貫輸送の場合の見積りも取ってみてください。もしくは、現在利用している乙仲に、海上輸送のみ別の業者を使いたいと伝え、そこにブッキングしてもらい、海上運賃を建て替えてもらうという方法もあります。この場合、窓口はこれまで通り乙仲に一本化することができます。


Q 北米航路においては、船会社と貨物輸送の定期契約を結ぶと、スペースが確保しやすく運賃も安くなると聞きましたが、実際はどうなんでしょうか?

A 荷主が船会社に対して一定期間、積荷保証をすることによって割引運賃を提供してもらうという契約のことをSCといいます。


※サービス・コントラクト(SC:Service Contract)とは、荷主が一定期間に船会社やアライアンス(同盟)に対して一定数量以上の貨物を積むことを事前に約束し、船会社やアライアンスは必要なスペースを優先的に確保すると同時に一般の荷主よりも安い運賃で貨物を運ぶことを確約する契約を指します。この制度は、一九八四年米国海運法によって導入されました。なお、荷主が船会社や同盟に対して約束した最低船積みコンテナ本数のことをMQC(Minimum Quantity Commitment)といいます。


Q MQCを増やすことで、どのくらい運賃が変わるのでしょうか?

A 数十本程度では、ほとんど運賃は変わりません。MQC一〇〇〇本以上の単位でSCを結べば、それなりにメリットがあるといえます。


Q SCにはどんなデメリットがありますか?

A まず、MQCを消化できなかった場合にペナルティの発生する可能性があります。逆にMQCを超えてしまった場合、スペースに余裕がない時期だとスペース供給を制限されるケースがあります。また、契約期間中に運賃マーケットレートが下がった場合、SC契約をした時点の高いレートがそのまま適用され続ける点もデメリットといえるでしょう。



Q 年間ビッドによって最安値を取ることはできますか?

A ここ数年間の傾向を見た限りでは、年間ビッドで最安値を取るのは困難だといえます。



Questions and answers. I’ll answer the questions of the shipping industry. Questions range from fundamentals to practical logistics requests.


I have been discussing the standard for selecting international distributors and measuring their real value, I will take one step further here and I would like to explain international logistics from practical points of view.


We receive various questions from the shippers who are our customers of maritime transport.


In this chapter, we will give our answers to a number of practical questions as from the viewpoint of the experts of the international logistics.


In transporting cargoes to oversea countries, unlike domestic transportation, various additional procedures are required to follow.


The cargoes are carried to foreign countries through several companies and transportation means, which often cause our customers to often comment that the international logistics is difficult to understand and envision. I will explain the practical affairs of the maritime transport concretely in response to such voices, Even if you do not engage directly in the business of the international logistics, what I will share will help deepen your understanding of the shipping industry.


Since the contents of my explanations belong to the somewhat professional realms,  general readers may want to skip reading the following parts.


  1. How to calculate the ocean freight fare

  Is the ocean freight fare determined by the distance like the fare of a railroad company?

A  Distance is of course a key factor, but it is not a clear standard. In most cases, the ocean freight rate is determined by the supply / demand balance of the space, or the power relationship between carriers and shippers. Depending on the supply-demand balance of the ship’s space, the fare fluctuates greatly even at the same distance.  This fare fluctuation has the same structure as the stock market, For example, while there are many shippers who request a lot of space, the fare may be doubled in the following day if there is little space available. Conversely, if the situation in which a large amount of empty space is generated arises continuously, the fare may drop down even to one tenth.(In the past, there was the case where the fare for the Shanghai – Brazil route fell from $ 1 000 per container to $ 100.) The ocean freight is structurally similar to the stock price, but its fluctuation may be more intense than the stock price.


2.What are differences between Japanese ship and foreign ship?

   Some shipping companies are Japanese while others are foreign. What are their differences?

   A Japanese ship, that is, a Japanese shipping company gives priority to port of call to Japan and accounts for about half of the domestic market share. Japanese staff reside in each country overseas, Characteristically,  trouble-shooting is as great as in Japan. Because of foreign-owned shipping companies (foreign ships) see the Japanese market only as an element of the huge world market, they do not necessarily put importance on Japan just even if they adopt port of call to Japan. Therefore, when it comes to the foreign ships, there are many tendencies to adjust their space taking into account the benefits of the whole world and reorganize their service for other countries.


3.How can the impact of a shipping companys collapse be avoided?

   There was an incident that a Korean major shipping company Hanjin Shipping collapsed in 2006. What kind of measures should be taken in advance by a shipper to avoid the negative impact of  the collapse of a shipping company?

   One way is to check the Z score (Z – Score). The Z score was invented by American economist Edward Altman to measure the probability of the bankruptcy of a company by applying the prescribed data to a mathematical equation. “Safe” if the score is more than 2.99, If it is between 1.81 and 2.99, “The possibility of bankruptcy can not be denied”, And if a company’s Z score is less than 1.81, and it is regarded as “pretty dangerous”. It does not necessarily mean this low Z score company will surely go bankrupt.  It is a good idea to select the business operator that, using these figures, reports the financial situation of each shipping company. However, these numerical figures are just for reference . It is also important to confirm the extent of the responsibility for transportation beforehand which the business operator  assumes in case of emergency. Also, instead of contracting directly with the shipping company, it is one way to hedge the risk using a ship via a forwarder.


4.The role forwarders play in the shipping industry?

What is the role  the forwarder plays in the shipping industry?

Forwarders fulfill their duty as the logistics department of the shipper. As  maritime transport professionals, they constantly compare all shipping carriers. They do not need to contract SC in the North American route, Moreover, they are able to propose the best transportation way of the time. In addition, forwarders do daily hard negotiations with all shipping companies on behalf of shippers. They can realize the cheaper fare through negotiations with shipping companies. They can do so as they collecting a large volume of cargoes from numerous shippers. Forwarders can function for the outsourcing of the sales of the shipping company, They can also function as buffers to fill up vacant space.


5.How to find forwarders

I’d like to use forwarders, but how can I find them?

You can find them on the phone book page or advertisement of SHIPPING GAZETTE issued by Japan Press, or the members list page of JIFFA (Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc.) website. It also would be nice to consult directly with the shipping brokers. who you are currently associated with.


6.Let me know the criteria for selecting forwarders

What criteria should we base ourselves on to choose forwarders?

As criteria for judging which forwarders are suitable or not, for example, the following nine criteria are recomendable.

1.They can provide any type of logistics information.

2.They can get information on the shipping company’s business situation most quickly.

3.They will take responsibility for transportation to the end even if the shipping company should collapse,

4.They have the power to supply enough spaces.

5.They have the ability to actively shoot trouble.

6.They can fulfill the so-called function as the logistics department of the shipper.

7.They have been building close relationships evenly with all the shipping companies.

8.The have the well-establishded internal and external information communication networks.

9.They are well versed in the transportation field they will be entrusted with.


7.Is a major forwarder better?

In requesting marine transportation to a forwarder, would it be better to choose a major forwarder that can handle air transportation as well?

It can be said that major companies are advantageous in that they have the flexibility to switch to air transportation immediately in emergency. Of course, the accident compensation can only be received within the scope of the back side contract regardless of the size of the company (see p. 93).


8.How to use forwarders.

Would it be better to leave all of the logistics to one forwarder in terms of scale merit?

Each forwarder has the different route that they are good at. Based upon this knowledge, it would be good to choose a proper company as your forwarder according to the destination or the characteristics of your cargoes. 

No forwarders are perfectly good at everything.


9.On the cost of using a forwarder.

I imagine it will cost more if I use a broker company like a forwarder, What about it actually?

The fare could be cheaper by using a forwarder. For example, you can get an household appliance from a major home appliance store at a cheaper price than getting it directly from its its manufacturer. Likewise, forwarders can buy spaces cheaply for a large volume of cargoes. For this reason, they can offer cheaper fares by using that advantage, than the rate that one shipper cannot usually obtain.


10.About contractors of LCL

Does any forwarder accept the LCL cargo?

The LCL cargo should look for the company that primarily offers a mixed cargo container service, that is, the forwarder arranging one container mixed with the cargoes from many different customers. This type of forwarder is more flexible and also can provide cheaper fares.


  1. On the search dependence of the international complex integrated transport

Q In sending a cargo in the International Multimodal Integrated Transport, which of the following methods will be cheaper,  either using domestic and maritime carriers separately or for leasing all transport modes to one company?

There is no clear-cut answer to this question. Each method has both merits and demerits. In general if the selected company is good at the particular transport modes, costs are cheaper to order by using this company. If you can not afford the time and effort to sort, it would be better if you want to leave the integrated transportation to the company to save time and unify responsibility. In that case, the pure NVOCC, which is mainly based on maritime transport, tends to provide a lower rate because the marine fare is where a major price difference gets visible.


  1. Is it possible to ask another company to handle just maritime transport?

Q Currently, we are requesting a certain cargo to be transported in a uniform operation. Negotiations are unified and done very conveniently, but the other day, I got a cheaper estimate of the “marine fare only” from another dealer. In such a case, what should I do?

A Please take a quote from the trader who brought the cheapest estimate of the integrated transportation as well. Or you can tell the owner you currently use that you want to use another vendor for maritime transport only, and have them booked there and rebuild the sea fare. In this case, the window can be unified with the shipping broker as before.


  1. Influence of service contract (SC) on freight on North American routes

Q I heard that it is easier to secure enough spaces and obtain a lower fare if you make a regular contract with the shipping company on the North American shipping route, but how is it actually?

A SC is the contract that the shipper receives a discount fare from the shipping company in exchange by guaranteeing the shipment for a  certain time period. If it is up to the minimum number of shipping containers (MQC) decided by this contract, you can secure space with a fixed fare. If you can guarantee a considerable number of volumes exceeding one thousand in MQC, relatively favorable conditions will be drawn out.

*Service Contract (SC) is a contract that the the shipper promises in advance a certain amount of cargo for shipping companies and alliances (alliance) for a certain time period, the shipping companies and alliances secure enough space for this shipper, while committed to carry this shipper’s cargoes at a cheaper fare than general shippers’ rate. This system was introduced by the US Marine Transport Law of 1984. In addition, the minimum number of shipping containers promised by shippers to shipping companies and alliances is called MQC (Minimum Quantity Commitment).


  1. What are the merits of increasing MQC

Q How much does the fare change by increasing MQC? With a few dozen increase, the fare is almost unchanged. It can be said that there will be a certain merit if you connect an SC with MQC 1000 or more units.


  1. What are the disadvantages of SC

Q Are there any disadvantages in SC?

A First, if you can not digest MQC, there will be a possibility of penalty against you. Conversely, if you exceed MQC, there can be a case that the space supply will be restricted if there is no room available in the space. Also, if the fare market rate declines during the contract period, it is also a disadvantage that the high rate at the time of SC contract is continuously applied. Also, if you connect the SC with a specific shipping company, it means that you have no contact with other shipping companies. So if the service of the shipping company should be reorganized or canceled even under the SC, it will become necessary for you to search for another shipping company even during the contract period. There is no need for you to connect the SC with the forwarder.


  1. Is the annual bid (bid) beneficial or not?

Q Can I get the lowest price by the annual bid?

A  It seems difficult to take the lowest price in the yearly bid based on the trend of the past few years. When viewed throughout the year, When prices went down, they had to keep piling up at higher prices than actual prices due to their commitment to the annual bid, and therefore, in many cases they were losing in the one-year-long ranged calculation.




次回は、「Coffee Break 3コンテナ船から在来船に切り替えよ」というテーマで「顧客の要望に一〇〇%応える営業マンの奮闘記」をお話しいたします。











